Fourth of April 2022 marked the first anniversary of the beautiful Adiwana Suweta. The event was successfully held with the support from numerous partners which included, Expedia,, Traveloka and more. Adiwana Suweta adopted a Hindu teaching of Tri Hita Karana to conceptualize a whole series of activities to commemorate this special occasion.

Tri Hita Karana is a belief in which there are three things that add up to well-being. First is ‘manusia dengan Tuhan’ or harmony with God. This element was translated in a religious ceremony held in a temple nearby Adiwana Suweta called Pura Puncak Lebah. Second is ‘manusia dengan alam lingkungan’ or harmony with environment or nature, which inspired Adiwana Suweta to set out a service to the environment around the boutique resort. ‘Manusia dengan sesama’ or harmony among people was the last element that completes Tri Hita Karana. A humble charity was carried out at Panti Asuhan Darma Jati 1 which is an orphanage located in Klungkung province.