A whole sixty minutes of serenity in the absence of electronic lights. One purposeful hour for a powerful reminder to give back a tiny fragment towards mother nature. Earth hour is a significant event celebrated around the world including our hotel and resort brands; together taking part in a movement to better the environment.
Adiwana Arkara Resort gladly took initiative in crafting a particular event as an expression of respect and giving back towards the Earth. Before the awaited moment of turning off non-essential lights, guests were encouraged to gather at the resort’s rooftop, also called Akasa Rooftop Bar, at 6 pm when the sun was just starting to set. The moment was celebrated with an exciting exhibition of barbeque served with cocktails and mocktails, along with some acoustic music. The wonderful evening had come to a peak when the lights were out, small fireworks sparked, and candles were being lit. Candles were laid out in a shape of the number sixty with a plus sign as a symbol of the Earth Hour.
The appreciating Earth gesture was also seen at Adiwana Suweta. A special event was organized for the Earth to promote this meaningful issue to the guests. Guests were informed and welcomed to come by the beautifully decorated pool area and enjoy a serenade of an iconic song by Michael Jackson, ‘Heal The World’. Guests were enjoying the provided tea and canape while appreciating the night by singing along to the song and simply by being present in the moment itself.
Another grateful day at The Sun Heaven Ubud by Inara, Â begun with cleaning the environment and nearby villages. A prayer was then held to give thanks for what the Earth has provided. The excitement continues with a dinner under the starry nights while waiting for the very moment the lights are shut down and all you can see is a parade of aglow candles.